March 10, 2008
Ampeg’s Makin’ Guitars, Pt. 2

Okay, so we never actually ran a part one of this story. We did reissue the original, iconic Plexi Guitar recently, though, and now we're coming out with wooden versions of that great, comfy body. But the description "wooden" only describes the body material--these guitars are ready to rock, and they won't break your back OR your wallet. In fact, the story is so exciting, the UK's Guitarist magazine in their issue #301 just called this news the TOP STORY from NAMM 2008. That's right... toppermost of the poppermost. Let's let them tell you about 'em (transcribed so you can read it):
"If the price of the 2006 Plexiglas reissue was too steep and the weight too much, check these new Ampegs. The new Korean-built. wooden-bodied AMG100 comes in three versions: swamp ash body (blonde), mahogany body (vintage cherry), and alder (black). They all have rosewood [fret]boards, a 24.75-inch scale, a three-way tone circuit and interchangeable pickups: either a Rock Treble single-coil, or Sustain Treble humbucker, which are both supplied. Hot cakes..."
I believe they're referring to the old saying "... get 'em while they're hot."
They also gave some of our bass products some ink... see the next story. And thanks Dave Burrluck at Guitarist!